Tuesday, July 13, 2010

White, tattooed trash like you don't/shouldn't be alloowed children, scum like you should be ashamed, because your kids will grow up to be ashamed of you & your Internet porn. Slut? Yup.

Hmm..well let's start off by saying that I am SURE I am smarter than you, and I am aware that you are attempting to get a "rise" out of me and make me angry. It's not going to happen. I will say that I feel really bad for you that your life is so miserable, that you would take time out of your day to think AND post this. You may want to consider doing some soul searching and try to find happiness, or maybe pick up a hobby. Just a thought. Yup.

I'll answer anything. . .except vulgar questions, not gonna happen.


  1. I think that person has it all wrong, you're nothing like what they say. I think your daughters going to grow up being proud of you. There's people out there doing crack and other various drugs with their kids sitting right there, do you say anything to them? No, probably not. So I disagree with everything they just said. Sooo keep doing what you're doing because at least you know you actually made something of yourself and you're doing good with your life. Laugh at all your haters, because they're jealous

  2. what they really meant is such a beautiful tattooed awesome artist such as yourself could possibly be one of the prettiest people and best moms theyve seen and ur lil girl will grow up and look down on idiots like the person that wrote that and that they're extremely jealous of u and inside idolize u

  3. aww..yeah, I think all judging like that comes from either being really stupid, or confused, or jealous..I few years ago a might have gotten really upset, but I know what goes on in my house and I am not worried about it, at all..My daughter's life RULES.

  4. I'm trying to peep some porn with you, cause you're uber hot! Fuck you person who said she shouldnt be allowed children. You shoulda been a blowjob you ignorant cunt. Hahaholla!!!

  5. I don't even do porn???? And I never did.. So weird.

  6. unfortunately because your blog is not private, you will always have people like this douche who will go right for the easiest target to try to hurt you.
    Keep on keeping on.

  7. it's not through my blog, it's through that dumb formspring, i just linked it to this...but yeah, i feel so bad actually for whoever asked wrote that, their life must really suck.

  8. Ewww wtf takes the time to be that awful?!
